If you experience or know someone with these below types of disorders we are successfully treating and the cost is minimal.
- Agoraphobia Disorder
- Anger, Rage Disorders
- Anorexia, Bulimia
- Anxiety Disorders, including Panic attack levels
- Autoimmune Disorders
- Carpal Tunnel Disorder
- Challenging work, family relationships
- Childhood crippling shyness, social reticence
- Childhood Asthma
- Childhood Enuresis
- Childhood, Adult ADD/ADHD
- Chronic Fatigue Syndrome (CFS)
- Cutting Disorders, young females
- Depression disorders, including suicidal level
- Idiopathic Disorders
- Inability to conceive a pregnancy
- Hip, knee disorders, needing replacement surgery
- Mental confusion, chaotic thinking
- Migraine headaches
- Sleep Disorders
- Martyrdom/Victimhood Disorders
- Multiple Systems Atrophy Disorder
- Neurosis Syndromes
- OCD (Obsessive Compelling Disorders)
- Psoriasis Disorder
- Phobias of any form
- Overwhelming levels of stress, frustrations
- Post Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD)
- Repeated inabilities to develop, maintain intimate relationships
- Self-Destruction/Self-Sabotage Disorders
- Self-Deprecation Disorders
- Sexual Abuse/Molestation/Incest experiences
- Some forms of cancer
- Trauma, traumatic experiences
- Resentment, the most toxic of all emotions
- The impacts of human trafficking
Evolving and Researching
MetAlign continues to evolve and we find this amazing healing therapy works to improve issues people encounter with
- Schizophrenia
MetAlign continues to evolve and we find our amazing healing therapy works to improve the disorders listed above.
Contact us to find out how MetAign can help you with your treatment and download our free PDF to learn more about
MetAlign and its practices.