Healing for Students
MetAlign Learning Options;
For individuals who are interested and curious about learning to learn how to heal themselves, it is my joy to teach the MetAlign process. As MetAlign is a step-by-step process it can be learned and fully utilized in improving the quality of one’s own life, the self-recognition of one’s innermost being-ness, who they authentically are. The personal self-development possibilities are profound and unlimited!
When a MetAlign student learns to treat and self-heal to levels of competency, it is encouraged they offer MetAlign healing to their friends and families on a casual basis
The MetAlign Practitioner Program:
The MetAlign Professional Practitioner Program prepares the professional clinician to provide comprehensive MetAlign Therapies for treating Depression; Anxiety; Traumatic experiences; Post Trauma Stress Disorders, PTSD; Suicidal ideation; the traumatic outcomes of crippling experiences and memories, and more.
The 18-month program includes classroom courses; comprehensive, detailed self-therapy; clinical supervision; an internship program and on-going professional development.
Results from working with MetAlign:
MetAlign Therapy is an entirely new paradigm of treating and healing a vast array of psychological and physical diseases and disorders with high levels of effectiveness. Efficient, painless with high cost-level effectiveness. For the vast numbers of individuals who have Mind-Body imbalances that can be treated for health issues that are ‘incurable’ in traditional medicine and psychology, there are standardized, trainable resources for recovery and adjunct pairing with the professional communities. A client is always and, in all ways, reminded to return to their primary care provider for continued care and management of their pharmacology.